It’s easy to see the appeal of a P shaped conservatory. It offers more room than many other designs and the shape also lends itself well to multiple uses. Indeed, some people choose to turn the larger squarer part of the conservatory into a dining room, while the other section (the lean to part, if you will) can be used for another purpose altogether. Depending on the size you can have comfortable seating here, or perhaps use the area as a playroom for the children. Other people choose to have the entire room for one purpose, perhaps as an office for example. The choice is yours, but you can see just how versatile this option is when it comes to adding a new room onto your home.
The design can be made to be either left or right handed, enabling the conservatory to fit into the available space as easily and conveniently as possible. Sizes can vary as well, depending on the size of your property and the available space you have in the garden. Some people are able to have quite a large P shaped conservatory that uses the lean to part as an extension of the main kitchen, while the larger part of the conservatory can be used for all kinds of reasons, such as for a larger dining space.